This study sought to determine the prevalence of common psychiatric disorders in adult aged 18 years and over inpatients and outpatients seen in public, private and faith-based general hospitals, health centres and specialised clinics and units of general hospitals. Submit Please provide a response. Consultation liaison psychiatry at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. Psychiatric morbidity among patients attending the district hospital outpatient clinics in Kenya. Nevertheless, it is better that the patients and the medical personnel know the correct diagnosis rather than subjecting patients to living with the uncertainty of their ailment.
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Makerere Univ Med School J. A total of 2, male and female inpatients and outpatients participated in the study. This high level of mental disorders could be related to the chronicity of these conditions.
The pyramid-shaped age distribution pattern of the patients in this study was similar to that of the general population. Endogenous 2, 1, 61 33 75 83 42 Mild to moderate All the facilities except for health centres offer both inpatient and outpatient services.
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The high levels of depression detected among patients in Naivasha could be attributed to urbanisation since this is a cosmopolitan setting and vn people are prone to depression because of lack of traditional social support systems. However, this served to suggest that BDI, for which there is more data worldwide on use in similar circumstances, could be the most suitable for routine use.
Even with this limitation, this study provides credible evidence to initiate appropriate policies and practices to address mental health in general primary and hospital facilities and provides strong evidence for liaison psychiatry with bipo,ar medical facilities.
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Electrothermal Effects in Bipolar Differential Pairs
This often leads to wasteful, costly and inefficient use of medical services and complications of the diagnoses and treatments among these patients [ 14 ]. However, this has the potential to create a demand that cannot be met by existing medical personnel. Recognition of psychological and cognitive impairments in the emergency department. Tuberculosis and patient gender in Bangladesh: Mild to severe depression detected by the NOK was recorded in Chronic conditions had the highest comorbidity with mental disorders, particularly depression and anxiety.
Nevertheless, it is better that the patients and the bipklar personnel know the correct diagnosis rather than subjecting patients to living with the uncertainty of their ailment. Both are served bipklar privately employed doctors and provide elementary health services.
Nearly all the patients There were varied response rates for all the variables across all the sites since not all the patients completed all the questionnaires.
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Tell us how we can improve If you need help, please visit the help section or contact us. Cambridge University Press; Thirdly, there is need for routine use of screening instruments to assist in making diagnoses. Methods This was a cross-sectional survey conducted in 10 health facilities that were selected to represent all levels of health provision from primary health care centre to the national leveldifferent economic environments within which the facilities are located industrial, agricultural, nomadism as well as the different training levels of medical personnel.
A diagnosis of query psychosis was made in one patient in Embu while two patients in Kibera were diagnosed with frank psychosis. Biipolar 85 out of 2, 3.
Figure 1 from Electrothermal Effects in Bipolar Differential Pairs - Semantic Scholar
East Afr Med J. The use of self-administered instruments and scales aimed for symptom measurement may have led to diagnostic overestimation.

However, in Kenya, there are only 68 psychiatrists serving a population of approximately 34 million. For those already in service, there is need for continuing medical education CME on mental health.
This is especially so considering that some chronic medical illnesses and psychiatric disorders may produce similar somatic symptoms [ 11 ]. VNM participated in acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data and bi;olar involved in drafting the manuscript. Stratified and systematic sampling methods were used. Go back to filtering menu.
Journal List Ann Gen Psychiatry v.
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