The pag ge provides parameters s for prope erly organizing g series and image data, default d sizes for thumbnaill and report im mages, selecting default grid layouts, and a identifyin ng default ha anging protoc col templates s. Enter your n ote and click Save. After activating the magic gla ass window, click c on the p popup window w and drag it to move it arround. W When active, th he zoom mode e renders the im mages in n real-world sizze. When yyou are finish hed and closse the viewe er, the upgrade procedure p sta arts. The e label appears in n the presets list. To assign a tool, create a keyboard k mac cro and assign it to the cus stom context m menu.
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If che ecked, labeling g progresses in the reverse d direction.
The Use hang ging protocol assistant a che eckbox enable es and disablles a numberr of the sectio ons on this pa age. To display y the presenttation toolbar, select Presentattion tools from m the Toolbarr item in the View V menu at the top of the e main screen n. Pcas to ssection 3 3.
To locate a particular p field d in the inform mation panel, use the scro oll bar on the right to move e through the data.
The d default worksstation configurattion is often suitable. The ability to create orders upon receipt of inbound studies and post to a centralized global worklist.

If you want to keep p the window w displayed w while you click on buttons an nd menus outtside the wind dow, pull dow wn the first me enu in the pop pup window a and select Ke eep on Top. Le eave it unche ecked to creatte a generic h hanging prrotocol. T The Use Defa ault checkboxxes paacs this page refer to these e default settings. This occurs wh hen the work kstation is run nning certain versions of Microsoft Windows and w when using ccertain versions of Microsoft Internet Exp plorer.
eRAD PACS Viewer manual
Whe en the entire sseries etad a full window w width, replacce it in each image with a calculated hisstogram equalizzation value. The e icon includes a small minus s sign - nex xt to the curso or. Use e the default wa avelet quality ssetting. Disp play only origin nal pixel data, w with pxcs zoom fa actor applied.
These are e the same toolbars available in the main m viewer, as described in section n 3. Unless you y have a comple ete understan nding of the ramifications of changin ng the size of the disk cache, askk your administra ator for assisttance.
To display the cache settings s page e, select Customize C Settings from f the Settiings menu, and click on th he Cache tab. After the use er logs on an nd wrad cha anges to the default profile, the changes are a stored ba ack on the serrver.

The software has the capability to open and display studies obtained from different imaging modalities: Download system activity logs Request heuristic data for dashboards, pads reports and other event analysis. To create a hanging prottocol set, follo ow these step ps: If you try to send studies from other PACS vieder without searching them first and starting the download in RadiAnt, they will be ignored.
To install or update a plug-in, ch heck the box erae to the left off the plug-in module m and click OK. Do not n display the viewer on the sselected monittor.
The ffields appear in the area on n the left. F Fit the selected d image to the e size of the frame. To ool tips are po opup text string gs that help ide entify the funcction of a tool. By default, the label appe ears as the window w width and center separated s by a slash. The eard to skip an upgra ade is availab ble so you can download a and install it when co onvenient.

The e button next to the list cha anges to a Dele ete button. Edit an Nex xt HP set biewer next templa ate in this appliied hanging pro otocol set.
eRAD PACS - erad radiology - Merry X-Ray
The status bar loccation is fixed, at a the bottom of the screen n. For series with fe ewer images th han specified in the Series split length setting, sepa arate all image es into their ow wn series. If the hang ging protocol assistant is a active, it may apply the han nging protoc col template automaticallyy. Event-driven workflows keep users on task, custom-triggering notifications for study interpretation, transcription, report downloads, etc.
To display d the advanced settings page, p select Customize C Settings from th he Settings menu, and d click on the Advanced ta ab.
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