Thursday, 5 December 2019


I fought a war that can't be won. Stepped over the body of a good man. Usually, me and my buddy Daniel write everything, but on the last EP we got my guitarist Jake to write on a couple of the songs. I remember when you went away. You've made some gripping and intriguing music videos for your releases prior to this EP. Baby, can you see me now? Info Desk Coup De Main presents: olivver the kid hell

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I'm not going to be in it very much, maybe just at the end.

olivver the kid hell

The wolves will chase you down. I stepped over the body of a good man. And when the flames come up I see the fire in your eyes. I can't believe my eyes…the woods got what they want.

olivver the kid hell

I stepped over the body of a good man. For the first EP I worked with so many of my friends and my peers. I don't know if there's a key-change, but it's so powerful. But I don't want to just play music. I've been here, too.

When you were in the woods, could you ever have predicted that you'd be this happy now that you've made it out? It was giving me hell so, Kif gave it the same.

There's a quote that I like to live by which is, "Be the person that you needed when you were younger. Olivver the Kid Album: Well, maybe I do for a tour.

HELL - Olivver The Kid -

But we're actually going to film a video for ['The Woods'] in the woods in January. Cannot annotate a non-flat selection. A new version of Last. But now we want it to be us three on every song - we've got a small group of people that we know works for this.

Interview: 2016 Must-Know - Olivver The Kid

I can't believe my eyes…the woods got what they want. In the Know Lyricapsule: I made it because I needed to realise why I make music.

Ruel - Shed 10, September So I took some time off, and then when I came back, I wrote this short story that I didn't finish, but I really liked the concept of it, so we turned it into the EP. All the V's I can think of are bad! So there might be some changes, come this year.

Baby blue, I understand. It would have to be something simple. He was like, 'So the wolves are people who have succumbed to the addiction, and you got out, but you're seeing your friend start to succumb to the addiction and you want to help them?

Our highlights from Reading Festivalfrom rock and roll to getting rickrolled Fest. I was like, 'Because it's about somebody and I don't want them to hear it. Teh Katy Perry has hits that come up and then go away.

AZ | Olivver the Kid - Hell lyrics (The Boy Who Cried Wolf Album)

Better the devil that you know than the devil that you don't. Whatever I was attached to that was hurting, once I put out the songs, it was gone.

Can't you feel it in the air right now?

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